Negative Reviews?

In an industry where we are stuck between a homeowner and a tenant - 2 parties with naturally opposing views - we are destined to get hit with some unfavorable reviews. 
This page is all about addressing some of these with facts, timelines, and maybe some humor...
We hope that by exposing our systems, homeowners out there can see how hard we work for YOU while also doing everything we can to keep tenants happy, yet accountable. 

You can check out all of our other great reviews from our guests at the bottom of the page HERE or from our clients on Google


2/20/2024: 1 Star Review

A story about multiple (very) late payments, tenants hanging up on us, and FREE rent. We're terrible!

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Current Rent: $925

Market Rate: $1,300

Context: The prior phenomenal landlord had zero info, no contracts/leases, no security deposit, and nothing to go off of. We put a new lease in place and did attempt to raise rent to $1,025 at the new homeowner's request. Once Keshara told us they recently had a rent increase, we no longer pursued it. Everything was good. We provided free air filters, gutter cleaning, and scheduled driveway repair in the 1st week to show good faith. 

Late Payments: As shown in the records below, rent was late on the very first month and we conveniently offered multiple ways to pay before a late fee was applied. 

More Late Payments November: We were hung up on our 3 different phone #s immediately after saying "Hi this is Wishlist Property Manag..... *click*". The 1st month was paid on the 9th (8 days late). 

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlistlake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Even Later Payments December: They were still blocking phone calls and our dozens of other alerts on the 2nd month. An eviction notice is sent out after 10 late days and zero communication from them. They finally paid on the 11th (10 days late).

Free Rent January: At the direction of the homeowner, they were told they had to move out on Jan 30th and we broke the news after Christmas as we did not want to ruin their holiday. January rolls around and they did not pay rent at all. We did not pursue any legal action for this non-payment of rent. Month-to-month leases only require 7-day notice, we gave them over 30 days. 

Tons of outbound calls through the months:

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlistlake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Several alerts through email and text...

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Judge Judy - Let the record show:

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Conclusion: Our first 2 months with this tenant had very late rent payments and blocked/hung-up calls. Rent is $400 lower than the market. Wishlist executes on what the homeowner demands (we don't own this house). So it makes sense that chasing down rent on an underperforming asset isn't the best use of anyone's time and they were given 30+ days to move out when 7 is all that's required for month-to-month leases.

The comment about new appliances doesn't make sense - we have no knowledge of any deliveries during their tenancy and after a walk-through, the house was empty. 

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

Reviews and experiences like this hurt low-credit, low-income, low-rental history tenants because Wishlist wants to help. However, after this experience, this new homeowner has already expressed that they'll have strict qualifications for tenants moving forward, and at the end of the day, we can only provide guidance to our clients, we can't make decisions for them. 

We will continue to assist those who need housing, all we ask is that you pay the agreed-upon rent on time.  


4/12/2023: 3 Star Review

Sir, this is a Wendy's

lake norman vacation rental property management wishlist

We were in business for a few months before this random review came in. 

At that time, we had ZERO missed calls (we know because we were so new that calls weren't common and we pride ourselves on always answering). 

We never worked with, had a tenant, had an applicant, or had any association with a Jim Brown. Good thing he only dinged us with 3 stars!